Suggested Chapter Workings:
1. Group Membership of 100 women: Every chapter will build a group of sisterhood with least 100 women members.
2. Allocate responsibilities to members: for participative functioning and distributed leadership, allocate roles and responsibilities further to members. We hope that in due course they will also step up to lead as chapter chairs in sectors of their passion, thus expanding and growing the circles of sisterhood in peer support and mentoring.
3. Send List of New Chairs/Members Invited: Please always send to the Secretariat a weekly/monthly list of new chapters/chairs/members invited so a formal welcome invitation can go to them with your reference. Email to:
4. Meetings/Events: Chapters can decide to meet once a month or more (online/offline). Even if few people can meet up from time to time, personal contact greatly helps build the team with trust and transparency.
5. Teamwork: We encourage members to pursue goals and projects in team spirit. These will strengthen She-for-She bonds and elevate energy of actions with goal-setting and project-orientation. For knowledge sharing, conduct talks/webinars where members can share their stories for our collective inspiration, and also building our self-confidence and skills.
6. Social Media Communication: Create your Chapter pages and actively share your chapter endeavours on social media for our collective inspiration.
7. Organise ALL Chapter Conclave and ALL Awards: welcome to organise an ALL Chapter Conclave along with the ALL Awards. It is an opportunity for the chapter to engage with thought leaders and changemakers in the community and highlight women’s leadership. Past programs of chapter conclaves and ALL award categories are available on the website. Regards Awardees, while you may shortlist these across the different categories, kindly send your suggested list to the Secretariat for approvals and issuance of the ALL Awards.
8. Celebrate Shakti Bandhan: World Sisterhood Day on Oct 5 every year. At ALL, we have a tradition of “Shakti Bandhan” (Shakti: Divine Feminine; Bandhan: Bond) where we tie ceremonial threads/bands/ribbons/bracelets (any kind) to soul sisters in our lives to honor them. It’s a symbol of strengthening each other with our innate inner power or Shakti that exists in All at All times as our empowering attitudes and actions. By definition, ALL refers to unleashing the Shakti within ALL of us via distributed leadership and participation of one and ALL. Every year on Oct 5, kindly do celebrate our World Sisterhood Day ! Of course, you can also celebrate it anytime - it’s also the best ice-breaker and instant energiser of our Spirit of Sisterhood.
9. Annual Report: At the close of your tenure, please share an Annual Report presenting a visual summary of chapter endeavours. We will be pleased to upload the same on the ALL website for posterity.
10. Connect with other ALL Chapters: We welcome you to reach out to other chapters/chairs for inter-chapter collaborations.
11. Mission Million 2022: Plan for Mission Million activities and endeavours.